This an amazing drawing of a lion. What makes this so amazing to me is that the entire drawing was made with a ballpoint pen. I could not find the artist for this amazing piece.
This is a very unusual canvas, a feather. The artist is Jamie Homeister. She paints pictures onto feathers and sales them online. She has very unique talent to paint on the feathers and for them not to get damaged is amazing.
This is a picture of "rolling through the bay" by Scott Weaver. It is kinetic sculpture made from over 100,000 toothpicks. This is very time consuming piece and not sure I would have the patience to do it.
This is or was a book then the pages were carved/ cut out in the shape of a tree with Alice and the cat from Alice in Wonderland. I like this piece because it is very different and fun. Artist- unknown
I did a floral skull for my final project. I did it on a small canvas. I used acrylic paint and did a fading rainbow background then used mackmedium to transfer the skull picture I made in photoshop onto the canvas.